Monday, January 31, 2011

Happiness isn't about perfection

And the quote that started it all...

I'll keep adding the quotes about happiness that I have found so far shortly.
Watch this space!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

New Year Resolutions

I know, I know, the first month of the year is almost over. But there is no time like the present, right? So here it goes... this year I have resolved to be happy.

I never really cared much for New Year Resolutions, didn't really see  the point. But a dear friend of mine, year after year, got pretty excited about sharing hers & enquiring about mine.

So bit by bit, year after year, I started to think about them. Usually, I could hardly keep them up for more than a few weeks, a couple of months at the most. Good intentions and all, but hell is full of them, isn't it? Most years they would be your usual stuff: read more, exercise more, eat better, watch less TV, keep in touch with friends...

This year, however, as I started to rack my brain for ideas, I couldn't possibly come up with anything at all. What I need? What I want? What I should do? Blank. Blank. Blank, blank, blank. Nothing. Zilch. Zero.

Then, suddenly, on New Year's Day afternoon, this thought started to form. All I could come up with was: all I want is to be happy. How simple is that? This year I decide I'm going to be happy. Hence, the title

And then, something interesting happened. Since I decided this, I started coming across songs, quotes, proverbs that talked about being happy, about happiness in general. Laws of attraction? I don't know. Call it what you want. But it's happening, honest.

So I decided, other than being happy, I was going to collect those. I wasn't going to go searching for them, I just would make notes of them as they came up.

That's how the idea of this blog came up, the collection of the happily found happy thoughs.
